MOORESVILLE post office locates at 24995 LAUDERDALE ST, MOORESVILLE, AL, 35649-2000. This page contains the location and online map, contact information, service, and service hours of the MOORESVILLE post office.
MOORESVILLE Post Office Location

The full address of MOORESVILLE Post Office is 24995 LAUDERDALE ST, MOORESVILLE, AL, 35649-2000.
AL -
Street Address:
ZIP Code:
35649 -
Plus 4:
2000 -
-86.880428 -
34.626497 - 🅿︎Street Parking Available
MOORESVILLE Post Office Contact Info

If you have any questions, you can call the USPS customer service hotline, or contact the MOORESVILLE post office. The phone number is as below.

- ·Phone: 256-308-1258
- ·Fax: None
MOORESVILLE Post Office Info Card

Here is the MOORESVILLE post office information card, including the street address, contact number, and parking information. Please feel free to share this picture with anyone who needs information about the MOORESVILLE post office.

MOORESVILLE Post Office Service

What services does the MOORESVILLE post office provide? Below is the list of services of the MOORESVILLE post office, you can go to the MOORESVILLE post office to do the following services, or apply at the USPS website/APP.
Business Reply Mail Account Balance
Business Reply Mail New Permit
Burial Flags
Call Referral
Duck Stamps
General Delivery
Money Orders (Domestic)
Money Orders (Inquiry)
Money Orders (International)
Pickup Accountable Mail
Pickup Hold Mail
Pickup Notice Left Mail
Priority Mail International
PO Box Online
MOORESVILLE Post Office Service Hours

What is the service hour at the MOORESVILLE post office? The service hour varies for different services, you can find the timetable for the service below. If you need help from staff, make sure to go to the post office during the window service hours.

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