City: BOLIGEE, AL - ZIP Code
BOLIGEE ZIP Code is 35443. This page contains BOLIGEE 9-digit ZIP Code list, BOLIGEE population, schools, museums, libraries, universities, hospitals, post offices, and BOLIGEE random addresses.

What is the zip code of BOLIGEE, Alabama? Below is the zipcode list for BOLIGEE.
City Name | ZIP Code 5 | ZIP Code Population |
BOLIGEE | 35443 | 1,170 |
BOLIGEE 9-Digit ZIP Code

What is the 9-digit ZIP Code for BOLIGEE, Alabama? Below is the list of BOLIGEE ZIP Code plus 4 with the address, you can click the link to find more information.
9-Digit ZIP Code | BOLIGEE Address |
35443-2451 | 20401 (From 20401 To 20499 Odd) COUNTY ROAD 20, BOLIGEE, AL |
35443-3338 | 101 (From 101 To 199 Odd) GOULD ST, BOLIGEE, AL |
35443-3544 | 100 (From 100 To 198 Even) TAYLOR BYRD SR LN, BOLIGEE, AL |
35443-4271 | 1200 (From 1200 To 1298 Even) COUNTY ROAD 48, BOLIGEE, AL |
35443-2057 | 200 (From 200 To 298 Even) WATER LN, BOLIGEE, AL |
35443-2058 | 300 (From 300 To 398 Even) WATER LN, BOLIGEE, AL |
35443-2228 | 101 (From 101 To 199 Odd) COUNTY ROAD 80, BOLIGEE, AL |
35443-2452 | 20300 (From 20300 To 20398 Even) COUNTY ROAD 20, BOLIGEE, AL |
35443-2525 | 200 (From 200 To 298 Even) COUNTY ROAD 97, BOLIGEE, AL |
35443-2526 | 2 (From 2 To 98 Even) COUNTY ROAD 97, BOLIGEE, AL |
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BOLIGEE Post Office

BOLIGEE has 1 post office. The basic information about the post office is as follows. If you want to check the services and service hours of the post office, you can click the link to find detailed information.
BOLIGEE Post Office
Address 157 COUNTY ROAD 81, BOLIGEE, AL, 35443-2005
Phone 205-336-8653
*Lot Parking Available
BOLIGEE Basic Information

This is online map of the address BOLIGEE, Alabama. You may use button to move and zoom in / out. The map information is for reference only.
U.S. - United StatesState:
AL - Alabama-
CountyFIPS: 01063 - Greene County City Name:
BOLIGEE- What does 'City Name' mean?
The name of the city (and in some cases, organization) designated by that ZIP Code or postal code.
Random Address in BOLIGEE

BOLIGEE Envelope Example

This is an example of U.S envelope. Fill in the sender's information at the top left and the recipient information at the bottom right. The necessary information is sender/recipient's full name, street address, city, state and zip code. The recipient address information has been given for your reference. Generally, If you are not sure of the full 9-digit zip code, you can only fill in the 5-digit zip code to avoid loss of package.
For more explanation, please read the official document: USA.pdf (English)
BOLIGEE Population

This is the population data of BOLIGEE in 2010 and 2020.
- ·BOLIGEE Population 2020: 287
- ·BOLIGEE Population 2010: 326

This is the BOLIGEE - School page list. Its detail School Name, Address, State, ZIP Code is as below.
- ·School Name: Paramount Junior High School
- ·Address: P O Box 188
- ·City: Boligee
- ·State: Alabama
- ·Grades: KG-8
- ·ZIP Code: 35443

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