HUNTSVILLE ZIP Codes are 35801, 35802, 35803,etc. This page contains HUNTSVILLE 9-digit ZIP Code list, HUNTSVILLE population, schools, museums, libraries, universities, hospitals, post offices, and HUNTSVILLE random addresses.

What is the zip code of HUNTSVILLE, Alabama? Below is the zipcode list for HUNTSVILLE.
City Name | ZIP Code 5 | ZIP Code Population |
HUNTSVILLE | 35801 | 25,145 |
HUNTSVILLE | 35802 | 23,629 |
HUNTSVILLE | 35803 | 27,990 |
HUNTSVILLE | 35805 | 20,033 |
HUNTSVILLE | 35806 | 26,199 |
HUNTSVILLE | 35811 | 28,129 |
HUNTSVILLE | 35816 | 14,440 |
HUNTSVILLE | 35824 | 9,129 |
HUNTSVILLE | 35808 | 1,218 |
HUNTSVILLE | 35810 | 31,735 |
HUNTSVILLE | 35812 | 0 |
HUNTSVILLE | 35814 | 0 |
HUNTSVILLE | 35804 | 0 |
HUNTSVILLE | 35807 | 0 |
HUNTSVILLE | 35899 | 0 |
HUNTSVILLE | 35809 | 0 |
HUNTSVILLE | 35813 | 0 |
HUNTSVILLE | 35815 | 0 |
HUNTSVILLE | 35893 | 0 |
HUNTSVILLE | 35894 | 0 |
HUNTSVILLE | 35896 | 619 |
HUNTSVILLE | 35897 | 0 |
HUNTSVILLE | 35898 | 0 |
HUNTSVILLE | 35895 | 0 |

What is the 9-digit ZIP Code for HUNTSVILLE, Alabama? Below is the list of HUNTSVILLE ZIP Code plus 4 with the address, you can click the link to find more information.
9-Digit ZIP Code | HUNTSVILLE Address |
35801-1061 | 3703 NOLEN AVE SE APT 1 (From 1 To 3 Both of Odd and Even), HUNTSVILLE, AL |
35801-1322 | 1600 (From 1600 To 1604 Even) GOVERNORS DR SE, HUNTSVILLE, AL |
35801-2479 | 1411 MCCULLOUGH AVE NE APT A (From A To D Both of Odd and Even), HUNTSVILLE, AL |
35801-2510 | 901 (From 901 To 999 Odd) TENNESSEE ST SE, HUNTSVILLE, AL |
35801-2518 | 905 (From 905 To 909 Odd) CARMELIAN ST SE, HUNTSVILLE, AL |
35801-2543 | 1200 HERMITAGE AVE SE, HUNTSVILLE, AL |
35801-2600 | 1500 (From 1500 To 1598 Even) WOODMONT AVE SE, HUNTSVILLE, AL |
35801-2925 | 1108 (From 1108 To 1110 Even) HALSEY AVE NE, HUNTSVILLE, AL |
35801-4704 | 601 (From 601 To 699 Odd) CROSS ST NW, HUNTSVILLE, AL |
35801-5031 | 303 PELHAM AVE SW APT A (From A To F Both of Odd and Even), HUNTSVILLE, AL |
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HUNTSVILLE has 9 post offices. The basic information about the post office is as follows. If you want to check the services and service hours of the post office, you can click the link to find detailed information.
Post Office | Address | City | Phone | ZIP Code |
DOWNTOWN HUNTSVILLE | 615 CLINTON AVE W | HUNTSVILLE | 256-532-0391 | 35801-9998 |
HAYSLAND | 8401 WHITESBURG DR SE | HUNTSVILLE | 256-882-7413 | 35802-9998 |
HUNTSVILLE | 3408 WALL TRIANA HWY | HUNTSVILLE | 256-461-6630 | 35813-1000 |
MASTIN LAKE | 2501 MASTIN LAKE RD NW | HUNTSVILLE | 256-852-7094 | 35810-9998 |
WEST | 3605 GOVERNORS DR SW | HUNTSVILLE | 256-534-6459 | 35805-9998 |
WYNN DRIVE | 645 WYNN DR NW | HUNTSVILLE | 256-722-4749 | 35816-9998 |
REDSTONE ARSENAL | 3710 AEROBEE RD | HUNTSVILLE | 256-650-1153 | 35808-9008 |
HUNTSVILLE | 3408 WALL TRIANA HWY | HUNTSVILLE | 256-772-4691 | 35813-9998 |
HUNTSVILLE | 3408 WALL TRIANA HWY | HUNTSVILLE | 256-772-4691 | 35813-1001 |
HUNTSVILLE Basic Information

This is online map of the address HUNTSVILLE, Alabama. You may use button to move and zoom in / out. The map information is for reference only.
U.S. - United StatesState:
AL - Alabama-
CountyFIPS: 01089 - Madison County City Name:
HUNTSVILLE- What does 'City Name' mean?
The name of the city (and in some cases, organization) designated by that ZIP Code or postal code.
Random Address in HUNTSVILLE

HUNTSVILLE Envelope Example

This is an example of U.S envelope. Fill in the sender's information at the top left and the recipient information at the bottom right. The necessary information is sender/recipient's full name, street address, city, state and zip code. The recipient address information has been given for your reference. Generally, If you are not sure of the full 9-digit zip code, you can only fill in the 5-digit zip code to avoid loss of package.
For more explanation, please read the official document: USA.pdf (English)

This is the population data of HUNTSVILLE in 2010 and 2020.
- ·HUNTSVILLE Population 2020: 202,910
- ·HUNTSVILLE Population 2010: 180,960

This is the HUNTSVILLE - Museum page list. Its detail Museum Name, Street, State, ZIP Code, Phone is as below.

This is the HUNTSVILLE - Library page list. Its detail Library Name, Address, State, ZIP Code, Phone is as below.

This is the HUNTSVILLE - School page list. Its detail School Name, Address, State, ZIP Code is as below.
School Name | Address | City | State | Grades | ZIP Code |
Academy For Academics & Arts | 2800 Poplar St Nw | Huntsville | Alabama | KG-8 | 35816 |
Academy For Science & Foreign Language | 3221 Mastin Lake Rd | Huntsville | Alabama | KG-8 | 35810 |
Blossomwood Elementary School | 1321 Woodmont Ave | Huntsville | Alabama | KG-5 | 35801 |
Center For Development Learning | 2901 Fairbanks St | Huntsville | Alabama | PK-12 | 35816 |
Central School | 990 Ryland Pike | Huntsville | Alabama | KG-8 | 35811 |
Challenger Elementary School | 13555 Chaney Thompson Rd | Huntsville | Alabama | KG-5 | 35803 |
Challenger Middle School | 13555 Chaney Thompson Rd | Huntsville | Alabama | 6-8 | 35803 |
Chapman Elementary School | 2006 Reuben Dr | Huntsville | Alabama | KG-5 | 35811 |
Chapman Middle School | 2006 Reuben Dr Ne | Huntsville | Alabama | 6-8 | 35811 |
Community Intensive Treatment Youth | 104 Spacegate Drive | Huntsville | Alabama | 7-11 | 35806 |
Davis Hills Middle School | 3221 Mastin Lake Rd | Huntsville | Alabama | 6-8 | 35810 |
East Clinton Elementary School | 605 Clinton Ave | Huntsville | Alabama | KG-5 | 35801 |
Edward White Middle School | 4800 Sparkman Dr | Huntsville | Alabama | 6-8 | 35810 |
Farley Elementary School | 2900 Green Cove Rd Sw | Huntsville | Alabama | KG-5 | 35803 |
Highlands Elementary School | 2500 Barney Ave | Huntsville | Alabama | KG-5 | 35810 |
Huntsville Center For Technology | 2800 Drake Ave Sw | Huntsville | Alabama | 9-12 | 35805 |
Huntsville High School | 2304 Billie Watkins Sw | Huntsville | Alabama | 9-12 | 35801 |
Huntsville Middle School | 817 Adams St Se | Huntsville | Alabama | 6-8 | 35801 |
James E Williams School | 155 Barren Fork Rd | Huntsville | Alabama | KG-8 | 35824 |
Jo Johnson High School | 6201 Pueblo Dr Nw | Huntsville | Alabama | 9-12 | 35810 |
Jones Valley Elementary School | 4908 Garth Rd | Huntsville | Alabama | KG-5 | 35802 |
Lakewood Elementary School | 3501 Kenwood Dr | Huntsville | Alabama | KG-5 | 35810 |
Lee High School | 606 Forest Cir Ne | Huntsville | Alabama | 9-12 | 35811 |
Lincoln Elementary School | 1110 Meridian St N | Huntsville | Alabama | KG-5 | 35801 |
Louis J Morris Elementary School | 4801 Bob Wallace Ave Sw | Huntsville | Alabama | KG-5 | 35805 |
Madison County Alternative School | 1275 Jordan Rd | Huntsville | Alabama | 1-12 | 35811 |
Madison County Career Academy | 1275 Jordan Rd Bldg A | Huntsville | Alabama | 9-12 | 35811 |
Martin Luther King Jr Elementary School | 3112 Meridian St | Huntsville | Alabama | KG-5 | 35811 |
Mcdonnell Elementary School | 4010 Binderton Pl | Huntsville | Alabama | KG-5 | 35805 |
Monrovia Elementary School | 1030 Jeff Rd | Huntsville | Alabama | KG-5 | 35806 |
Monrovia Middle School | 1216 Jeff Rd | Huntsville | Alabama | 6-8 | 35806 |
Monte Sano Elementary School | 1107 Monte Sano Blvd | Huntsville | Alabama | KG-5 | 35801 |
Montview Elementary School | 2600 Garvin Rd Nw | Huntsville | Alabama | KG-5 | 35810 |
Mount Carmel Elementary School | 335 Homer Nance Road | Huntsville | Alabama | PK-5 | 35811 |
Mountain Gap Elementary School | 821 Mt Gap Rd | Huntsville | Alabama | KG-5 | 35803 |
Mountain Gap Middle School | 821 Mt Gap Rd | Huntsville | Alabama | 6-8 | 35803 |
New Century Technology Demo High School | 102 Wynn Dr | Huntsville | Alabama | 9-12 | 35805 |
Ridgecrest Elementary School | 3505 Cerro Vista Sw | Huntsville | Alabama | KG-5 | 35805 |
Riverton Elementary School | 2615 Winchester Rd | Huntsville | Alabama | KG-5 | 35811 |
Riverton Middle School | 399 Homer Nance Rd | Huntsville | Alabama | 6-8 | 35811 |
Robert Neaves Center | 817 Cook Ave | Huntsville | Alabama | KG-12 | 35801 |
Roger B Chaffee Elementary School | 7900 Whittier Rd | Huntsville | Alabama | KG-5 | 35802 |
Rolling Hills Elementary School | 2901 Hilltop Terr | Huntsville | Alabama | KG-5 | 35810 |
Roy L Stone Middle School | 2620 Clinton Ave | Huntsville | Alabama | 6-8 | 35805 |
Sr Butler High School | 3401 Holmes Ave | Huntsville | Alabama | 9-12 | 35816 |
Terry Heights Elementary School | 2820 Barbara Dr Nw | Huntsville | Alabama | KG-5 | 35816 |
The Seldon Center | 2820 Holmes Ave | Huntsville | Alabama | KG-12 | 35816 |
University Place Elementary School | 4503 University Ave Nw | Huntsville | Alabama | KG-5 | 35816 |
Virgil Grissom High School | 7901 Bailey Cove Rd | Huntsville | Alabama | 9-12 | 35802 |
Weatherly Heights Elementary School | 1307 Canstatt Dr | Huntsville | Alabama | KG-5 | 35803 |
West Huntsville Elementary School | 3001 9th Ave Sw | Huntsville | Alabama | KG-5 | 35805 |
West Mastin Lake Elementary School | 5308 Mastin Lake Rd Nw | Huntsville | Alabama | KG-5 | 35810 |
Westlawn Middle School | 4217 9th Ave W | Huntsville | Alabama | 6-8 | 35805 |
Whitesburg Elementary School | 6810 Whitesburg Dr | Huntsville | Alabama | KG-5 | 35802 |
Whitesburg Middle School | 107 Sanders Rd | Huntsville | Alabama | 6-8 | 35802 |
Huntsville High School | 594 S Harris | Huntsville | Arkansas | 9-12 | 72740 |
Huntsville Middle School | P.o. Box G | Huntsville | Arkansas | 7-8 | 72740 |
Watson Intermediate School | P.o. Box H | Huntsville | Arkansas | 3-6 | 72740 |
Watson Primary School | P.o. Box H | Huntsville | Arkansas | KG-2 | 72740 |
Westran Elem. | 210 W Depot St | Huntsville | Missouri | PK-5 | 65259 |
Westran High | 601 Hornet Ln | Huntsville | Missouri | 9-12 | 65259 |
Fairview Elementary School | 8702 Baker Hw | Huntsville | Tennessee | PK-8 | 37756 |
Huntsville Elementary School | 3221 Baker Hw | Huntsville | Tennessee | PK-5 | 37756 |
Huntsville Middle School | 3101 Baker Hw | Huntsville | Tennessee | 6-8 | 37756 |
Scott High School | 400 Scott High Dr | Huntsville | Tennessee | 9-12 | 37756 |
Gibbs El | 441 Fm 2821 E | Huntsville | Texas | PK-4 | 77320 |
Huntsville El | 441 Fm 2821 E | Huntsville | Texas | PK-4 | 77320 |
Huntsville H S | 441 Fm 2821 E | Huntsville | Texas | 9-12 | 77320 |
Huntsville Int | 441 Fm 2821 E | Huntsville | Texas | 5-6 | 77320 |
Huntsville Transitional Discipline | 441 Fm 2821 | Huntsville | Texas | 9-12 | 77320 |
Mance Park Middle | 441 Fm 2821 E | Huntsville | Texas | 7-8 | 77320 |
Samuel Houston El | 441 Fm 2821 E | Huntsville | Texas | PK-4 | 77320 |
Scott Johnson El | 441 Fm 2821 E | Huntsville | Texas | PK-4 | 77320 |
Stewart El | 441 Fm 2821 E | Huntsville | Texas | PK-4 | 77320 |
Westmoreland Learning Center | 441 Fm 2821 E | Huntsville | Texas | 10-12 | 77320 |
Valley Elem Sch | 7436 E 200 S | Huntsville | Utah | KG-6 | 84317 |
Huntsville Elementary School | Po Box 158 | Huntsville | Ohio | KG-4 | 43324 |

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