City: BUTLER, AL - ZIP Code
BUTLER ZIP Code is 36904. This page contains BUTLER 9-digit ZIP Code list, BUTLER population, schools, museums, libraries, universities, hospitals, post offices, and BUTLER random addresses.

What is the zip code of BUTLER, Alabama? Below is the zipcode list for BUTLER.
City Name | ZIP Code 5 | ZIP Code Population |
BUTLER | 36904 | 3,842 |
BUTLER 9-Digit ZIP Code

What is the 9-digit ZIP Code for BUTLER, Alabama? Below is the list of BUTLER ZIP Code plus 4 with the address, you can click the link to find more information.
9-Digit ZIP Code | BUTLER Address |
36904-0001 | PO BOX 1 (From 1 To 120), BUTLER, AL |
36904-0121 | PO BOX 121 (From 121 To 238), BUTLER, AL |
36904-0241 | PO BOX 241 (From 241 To 354), BUTLER, AL |
36904-0361 | PO BOX 361 (From 361 To 460), BUTLER, AL |
36904-0461 | PO BOX 461 (From 461 To 538), BUTLER, AL |
36904-0541 | PO BOX 541 (From 541 To 619), BUTLER, AL |
36904-0621 | PO BOX 621 (From 621 To 656), BUTLER, AL |
36904-0661 | PO BOX 661 (From 661 To 674), BUTLER, AL |
36904-0675 | PO BOX 658, BUTLER, AL |
36904-0676 | PO BOX 676 (From 676 To 680), BUTLER, AL |
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BUTLER Post Office

BUTLER has 1 post office. The basic information about the post office is as follows. If you want to check the services and service hours of the post office, you can click the link to find detailed information.
BUTLER Post Office
Address 132 RIDERWOOD DR, BUTLER, AL, 36904-9998
Phone 205-459-2127
*Lot Parking Available
BUTLER Basic Information

This is online map of the address BUTLER, Alabama. You may use button to move and zoom in / out. The map information is for reference only.
U.S. - United StatesState:
AL - Alabama-
CountyFIPS: 01023 - Choctaw County City Name:
BUTLER- What does 'City Name' mean?
The name of the city (and in some cases, organization) designated by that ZIP Code or postal code.
Random Address in BUTLER

BUTLER Envelope Example

This is an example of U.S envelope. Fill in the sender's information at the top left and the recipient information at the bottom right. The necessary information is sender/recipient's full name, street address, city, state and zip code. The recipient address information has been given for your reference. Generally, If you are not sure of the full 9-digit zip code, you can only fill in the 5-digit zip code to avoid loss of package.
For more explanation, please read the official document: USA.pdf (English)
BUTLER Population

This is the population data of BUTLER in 2010 and 2020.
- ·BUTLER Population 2020: 1,695
- ·BUTLER Population 2010: 1,913

This is the BUTLER - Museum page list. Its detail Museum Name, Street, State, ZIP Code, Phone is as below.
BUTLER Library

This is the BUTLER - Library page list. Its detail Library Name, Address, State, ZIP Code, Phone is as below.
Name | Address | City | State | ZIP Code | Phone |
BUTLER AREA PUBLIC LIBRARY | 218 NORTH MCKEAN ST | BUTLER | PA | 16001 | (724) 287-1715 |
BUTLER BRANCH LIBRARY | 21 ELM ST. | BUTLER | OH | 44822 | (419) 883-2220 |
BUTLER PUBLIC LIBRARY | 340 SOUTH BROADWAY | BUTLER | IN | 46721 | (260) 868-2351 |
BUTLER PUBLIC LIBRARY | 12808 W. HAMPTON AVE. | BUTLER | WI | 53007 | (262) 783-2535 |
BUTLER PUBLIC LIBRARY | 56 WEST MAIN STREET | BUTLER | GA | 31006 | (478) 862-5428 |
BUTLER SYS ADMIN UNIT | 1553 WEST SUNBURY ROAD | BUTLER | PA | 16001 | (724) 283-1880 |

This is the BUTLER - School page list. Its detail School Name, Address, State, ZIP Code is as below.
School Name | Address | City | State | Grades | ZIP Code |
Butler Elementary School | 221 E Pushmataha St | Butler | Alabama | KG-8 | 36904 |
Choctaw County Alternative School | 107 Tom Orr Dr | Butler | Alabama | 5-12 | 36904 |
Choctaw County High School | 201 Rogers Ave | Butler | Alabama | 9-12 | 36904 |
East Choctaw Junior High School | 25225 Highway 10 | Butler | Alabama | KG-8 | 36904 |
Tom Orr Career Technical Center | 105 Tom Orr Dr | Butler | Alabama | 10-12 | 36904 |
Taylor County Elementary School | Highway 96 East | Butler | Georgia | PK-5 | 31006 |
Taylor County High School | 200 Oak Street | Butler | Georgia | 9-12 | 31006 |
Taylor County Middle School | 100 Oak Street | Butler | Georgia | 6-8 | 31006 |
Butler Elementary School | 503 E Green St | Butler | Indiana | KG-6 | 46721 |
Eastside Junior-senior High Sch | 603 E Green St | Butler | Indiana | 6-12 | 46721 |
Northern Elementary School | 925 Hwy 177 E | Butler | Kentucky | PK-5 | 41006 |
Phillip A Sharp Middle School | 35 Wright Rd | Butler | Kentucky | 6-8 | 41006 |
Ballard Elem. | Rte 1 Box 497 | Butler | Missouri | KG-6 | 64730 |
Ballard High | Rte 1 Box 497 | Butler | Missouri | 7-12 | 64730 |
Butler Elem. | 4 N High St | Butler | Missouri | KG-6 | 64730 |
Butler High | 420 S Fulton St | Butler | Missouri | 7-12 | 64730 |
Aaron Decker | Decker Road | Butler | New Jersey | KG-4 | 07405 |
Butler High | Bartholdi Avenue | Butler | New Jersey | 9-12 | 07405 |
Richard Butler | Pearl Place | Butler | New Jersey | 5-8 | 07405 |
Butler Elementary School | 125 College St | Butler | Ohio | KG-5 | 44822 |
Butler Elementary School | Po Box 127 | Butler | Oklahoma | PK-8 | 73625 |
Butler High School | Po Box 127 | Butler | Oklahoma | 9-12 | 73625 |
Little Milligan Elementary | 4226 Hwy 321 | Butler | Tennessee | KG-8 | 37640 |
Butler Area Senior High School | 120 Campus Ln | Butler | Pennsylvania | 11-12 | 16001 |
Northwest Sch | 124 Staley Ave | Butler | Pennsylvania | KG-6 | 16001 |
Broad St Sch | 200 Broad St | Butler | Pennsylvania | KG-6 | 16001 |
Butler County Avts | 210 Campus Ln | Butler | Pennsylvania | KG-6 | 16001 |
Emily Brittain El Sch | 338 N Washington St | Butler | Pennsylvania | KG-6 | 16001 |
Oakland Twp Sch | 545 Chicora Rd | Butler | Pennsylvania | KG-6 | 16001 |
Butler Area Ihs | 551 Fairground Hill Rd | Butler | Pennsylvania | 9-10 | 16001 |
Center Twp Sch | 950 Mercer Rd | Butler | Pennsylvania | KG-6 | 16001 |
Center Avenue Sch | Center At Lincoln | Butler | Pennsylvania | KG-6 | 16001 |
Butler Area Junior High School | East North Street | Butler | Pennsylvania | 7-8 | 16001 |
Mcquistion El Sch | Mechling Drive | Butler | Pennsylvania | KG-6 | 16001 |
Meridian Sch | Sparks Avenue | Butler | Pennsylvania | 16001 | |
Summit El Sch | 351 Brinker Rd | Butler | Pennsylvania | KG-6 | 16002 |

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